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Writer's picture: Elizabeth LangdonElizabeth Langdon

You may have noticed that our ingredients list for our dishes change from time to time. This is to ensure we are using the freshest finest seasonal ingredients grown locally that we can use.

Many of our foods we see in our supermarkets are imported to give us the 'choice' we have been accustomed to, which comes at the price of flavour, nutrition content and food miles, and this is why we think it is so important to use locally grown fruit and veg from our own soil!!

Home grown carrots- and yes they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes!!

The biggest joy of eating seasonally is the opportunity to reconnect with nature's cycles, the passing of time and the hugely diverse and delicious foods that our British seasonal climate provides. But why is it also beneficial to eat seasonal veg?

  • Healthier - when veg are in their peak season, they are also at their peak nutritional value, so you can chomp down on delicious fresh veg while knowing they have never been better for you than they are right now! Foods in season contain the nutrients, minerals and trace elements that our bodies need at particular times of the year.

  • More tasty - packed with all those nutrients and at peak freshness and crispness, seasonal veg tastes amazing! Biting into a bland, limp sugar snap pea shipped in in January doesn’t even begin to compare with a sweet, firm, juicy sugar snap pea freshly picked from your own garden in the summertime.

  • More environmentally-friendly - as we try to think more these days about our impact on the world, choosing and eating seasonally reduces the energy (and associated CO2 emissions) needed to grow and transport the food we eat

  • Increases variety - find yourself buying the same veg week in, week out? Bored of broccoli and carrots and peas? Another great thing about eating seasonal veg is the variety it offers. Not only is it healthier, it is also more fun! Challenge the family to find a new veg (or several) each season that you haven’t tried before. And just as you are getting tired of roasting yet another parsnip by March, you can swap to griddling some asparagus in April.

These parsnips aren't all clean like supermarket parsnips which have been washed in all sorts of nasty chemical, but have been pulled straight from the garden, washed, peeled and cooked

So next time you find yourself reaching for the same rock-hard pale tomatoes in February, why not ask your greengrocer and see if perhaps the sweet, nutty celeriac in the next box might actually be a better choice for your world, wallet, body and taste buds this time?

Eating seasonally is about pleasure, variety and discovery!

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